
scheduling ai assistant

You planned a meeting -
Mai will send the invites

simply cc or forward the email to Mai,
and she’ll handle the rest

Mai will create the event in your calendar and send out the invites

* your data is safe and secure. It’s used only to organize your event and isn’t stored

sign in to customize the video call link

Who is Mai?

Mai is your personal AI assistant, here to handle your calendar for you.

What can Mai do?

Mai sets up calendar events based on your preferences and sends invites automatically.

How does Mai work?

Once you’ve agreed on details, just forward the email to Mai, or add her in cc or bcc. Or simply ask! Like a real assistant, Mai can use any email or thread you send to set up the meeting, call, or event.

What if I receive a confirmation, like a doctor’s appointment? Will Mai add it?

Yes, she will!

Will Mai read the email I forwarded to her? Is it safe?

Yes, Mai will read your email to create the event and send invites. After that, she forgets it all. Your information is never stored or used for anything else.